

We assist our clients to develop operational strategies to optimize their operations across the business value stream, including operations, supply chain, quality, engineering, human capital, asset management, big data and, customer experience. Our strategic thinking is leading edge on the current challenges facing companies such as the Connected Factory, Pay-For-Use, Performance Excellence, Price vs. Cost, Complexity Reduction, Requisite Organization, Automation, Data Visualization, and the Internet of Things.

Clearly, the competitive journey begins with a sound strategy. The reality in business is that current state thinking is not good enough for the competition of tomorrow. Leaders must push the innovation envelope to remain ahead. An example of this thinking is Price vs. Cost – a procurement analysis that challenges the paradigm that a low-cost product or service yields the best long-term return-on-investment for a business. Such leading-edge thinking can shift a company’s buying strategies to optimize profit by considering the long-term costs of purchasing potentially inferior goods or services at a lower price.

Businesses must strive to streamline processes and leverage technology to achieve effective change management. This includes process improvements for financial processes, integrating risk considerations into performance management activities, addressing new accounting requirements, and cost reductions. Implementing these processes result in improvements to cash flow, control and optimization of costs, and risk management.

Tajeurope's Business Performance Improvement professionals combine proven services and capabilities to enable lasting business transformation with sustained results. From process tweaks to major organizational structure optimization, back office to external financial reporting, cost reduction to working capital issues, we apply innovation, collaboration, and technology acumen across your company.

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